Category: Public-updates
Murder In Play set-building update
Our set for Murder in Play is almost finished!
We had a fantastic weekend, putting together the set for our latest production and you will spot members of the cast and crew “doing their bit” in the pictures below. There was a great team spirit and a real sense of everyone pulling together, including everyone sitting down to beans on toast for lunch (kindly provided by Ian and Glenys, with Katie as chef).
We still have furniture to add and some decorations, but the main work is done. Now the cast can enjoy opening actual doors and get used to the feel of Priorswell Manor.
Huge thanks to all the members and friends of the Society who came along to help.
Murder In Play – Nov 28 – Dec 1st 2018
“Rehearsals for Boris Smolensky’s latest production are not running as smoothly as he would like. Tensions are running high between members of the cast and crew, while some props appear to have a mind of their own. Could matters get any worse?
With laughs along the way, this mystery thriller will keep guessing until the very end…”
Spring newsletter
Upton Dramatic Society Newsletter Spring 2018
Death In High Heels
Based on the novel by Christianna Brand, this play is set amid the glamour of a 1930’s fashion house where secrets and lies are unearthed after the suspicious death of one of its employees. Inspector Charlesworth and Sergeant Wyler have a possible murder enquiry on their hands. As they strip away the veneer that the employees hide behind, they discover that more than one person may have harboured resentment towards the victim.
The play runs from Wednesday 21st to Saturday 24th March 2018, starting at 7.30pm each evening. Tickets are available either from our ticket Secretary, Christine Wilbraham, on 01244 382174; at Bache Post Office and at the door on the night.
We will again have the use of the very popular Bar, which will be manned by our friends from the Upton Village Hall committee. You will be able to buy drinks before the play and order them for the interval.
Our charity for this production is ‘LIVE!’ Based in Chester, they provide high quality activities for children and young people both with and without disabilities. The charity runs 11 different weekly club sessions and regular activity programmes during each school holiday. Our donation to this charity will consist of income received from the sale of the raffle tickets and donations given for the programmes during the week of the play.
The Dramatic Society’s calendar for 2018/19 season commences with our AGM on Thursday 17th May 2018 at the Village Hall, so if you are a current member please make a note in your diary!
We are always looking for new members to join our Society, so if you, or anyone you know, would like to join us (in any capacity on stage or off) please do make contact either by telephoning Gill Snell on 01244 340726 or email us at
Please feel welcome to join us at the Village Hall on 21st June, 19th July and 23rd August when we will be holding play readings to review potential plays for December 2018 and March 2019. Casting for these plays will take place on 19th July and sometime during October (exact date to be confirmed).
Best wishes, Upton Dramatic Society
NEXT PRODUCTION – Death in High Heels!
March 21st to 24th, 7.30pm (doors open at 7 pm)
Tickets £6 on opening night and £7 thereafter.
Available from Bache Post Office or telephone 01244 382174
Upton Village Hall, 29 Heath Road, CH2 1HX